RSVP for this event

Saturday, August 10, 2024
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Houston Food Bank
535 Portwall Street
Houston, TX 77029


Young professionals are invited by the Houston Liberty Leadership Council* for a day of community service at Houston Food Bank. Come together with like-minded individuals to make a positive impact in our community by helping those in need.

Please complete both steps in order to ensure proper registration.

  1. Click the red “RSVP for this event” button OR use the registration form at the bottom of this page and enter the password HOUSTONLLC when prompted.
  2. Click here to register and sign the Houston Food Bank waiver.


  • Description of Duties: Varies with the makeup volunteers for shift. Most of the projects at the warehouse involve inspecting, sorting, and repackaging of donated food items for community distribution.
  • Attire: CLOSED-TOE SHOES REQUIRED – casual dress, long pants (preferred), t-shirt with sleeves. Bring work gloves if desired. For your safety, bags and purses are not allowed in project areas. Lockers are provided for storing any items you don’t want to keep in your car, but keep personal and valuable items to a minimum (i.e., electronics, jewelry, money, etc.), as Houston Food Bank (HFB) is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
  • HFB does not allow outside food and drinks (including water) to be brought into the facility. Drinks and snacks will be provided via HFB’s onsite catering service.
  • Parking Information: If space permits it, you may park in the front parking lot, but in the event of a large volunteer turnout, you may be directed to our overflow lot located behind the building.
  • Cancellation: We count on your generous donation of time; however, if you are unable to make it, please email [email protected] so your registration can be cancelled.

RSVP is required to attend. Complimentary drinks and snacks will be provided. Please extend this invitation to any other young professional who may be interested in attending.

*The purpose and vision of the Liberty Leadership Council (LLC) is to foster meaningful relationships among young professionals who share the values of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise and to engage these individuals in the mission of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Click here for more information.

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