Help empower parents (22WebPEMP)

Help Empower Parents to Improve Their Children’s Future

The education freedom movement is at a crossroads. Through our work on parental empowerment, the Texas Public Policy Foundation forges a path of freedom that states throughout the country can follow toward an education system suited to students and their families’ unique, diverse needs. As we play an integral role in providing alternative solutions and policies, we are grateful for your support and hope you share in our excitement for this critical reform.

TPPF strives to ensure that Texas students and families have the chance to succeed and find the right educational fit for them. Will you support our parental empowerment initiatives by making a gift today?

Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit organization (501(c)3), and your contribution is fully tax deductible.

Thank you so much for your contribution to the Texas Public Policy Foundation and for joining with us to advance liberty not just in Texas but all across America.

Your gift will help empower parents and other caregivers to secure the best outcomes for their children. A great education offers students a path to prosperous work, teaches them why and how they must care for their neighbor, and forms them in the virtues that will lead to lifelong freedom and happiness. The students we educate today are the leaders of tomorrow’s America—and they each deserve a real chance at a quality education that offers a path for opportunity and human flourishing.

If you have questions about your gift and how we put it to use, please contact Sarah French with an email to [email protected].

Thank you for supporting this important work.